Upcoming Events
Upcoming Weekends
Application Link
English Ultreyas and School of Leaders
Jacksonville Ultreya
Second Friday, 7pm
Assumption Catholic Church, Kohl's Hall
Gainesville Ultreya
Second Friday, 6:00pm
Queen of Peace Catholic Church
Palm Coast Ultreya
Third Tuesday, 6:30pm
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton - Russo Room
Fleming Island Ultreya
Third Thursday, 6pm
Sacred Heart, Fleming Island- Activity Center
Jacksonville School of Leaders
Third Saturday, 9am to 11:30am
Assumption - Kohl's Hall
Spanish Ultreyas and School of Leaders
Jacksonville - Ultreya and School of Leaders
Second Monday, 7pm
St Joseph's Catholic Church - Cory Center
Gainesville - Ultreya and School of Leaders
Third Monday, 7pm
St Augustine Church - Catholic Student Center at UF
Lake City - Ultreya and School of Leaders
Last Friday of the Month, 7:30pm
Epiphany Catholic Church, Epiphany Social Hall
English Cursillo Weekends ​
Men's #135: September 12-15
Women's #133: September 19-22
Men's #136: October 24-27, 2024
Women's #134: October 31-
November 3, 2024
English 4th Day/Welcome Ultreya
Day of Reflection
June 15, 2024, 9am to 3pm
Christ the King Catholic Church
Advent Memorial Mass and Ultreya
December 22, 2024 @ 2:30pm
National Shrine of Our Lady of La Leche

The Catholic Cursillo Movement in the Diocese of St. Augustine has been changing lives since 1974. Take your time and visit the different pages of the website and learn about Cursillo now, and the history of Cursillo. This website is how we keep in touch with all who have attended the 3 day weekend and want to become more involved. You will also find many links to other web sites to help you increase your knowledge and love of your faith. Come back often to see which events you may want to attend.
Our Mission
Each individual lay person must stand before the world as a witness to the resurrection and life of the Lord Jesus and as a sign that God lives. As a body, and individually, the laity must do their part to nourish the world with spiritual fruits (cf Gal. 5:22) , and to joyfully spread that spirit to encourage, support, and affirm those poor, meek, and peace keeping men and women the Lord in the gospel calls "blessed", (cf Mt. 5:3-9). In a word, "what the soul is to the body, let Christians be to the world: (Constitution on the Church # 38).