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Your 4th Day


What is the Fourth Day?


Simply put, the fourth day begins just after the 3-day Cursillo weekend and lasts for the rest of the Cursillista's life.


Pope John Paul II gave a message to the Cursillo Movement in 2002, "Dear Cursillistas! Follow confidently the way of formation and Christian life that you have undertaken with so much generosity," and "Duc in Altum!]" [Go into the deep!]


So, how do we keep the momentum going after the amazing experience of the weekend?


The Cursillo Movement has several ways of keeping us focused, learning and evangilizing (or helping us with Piety, Study and Action).


All new Cursillistas are encouraged to immediately join or form a Group Reunion, also known as a Friendship Group.


We are invited to attend a monthly Ultreya, and strengthen our leadership by participating in the School of Leaders. Spiritual Direction is also recommended.


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